av.antville | ... |
der, 9 maart 2005 om 19:50:56 CET
Website listing places in Japan that don't accept foreigners: here. Picture of toilet that doesn't accept foreign objects:
... Link (0 comments) ... Comment der, 9 maart 2005 om 18:56:57 CET
" The biological immune system is a highly parallel and distributed adaptive system. It uses learning, memory, and associative retrieval to solve recognition and classification tasks. In particular, it learns to recognize relevant patterns, remember patterns that have been seen previously, and use combinatorics to construct pattern detectors efficiently. These remarkable information-processing abilities of the immune system provide important aspects in the field of computation. This emerging field is sometime refer[red, I guess] to as the Immunological Computation, Immunocomputing or Artificial Immune Systems (AIS).Kannte ich bisher auch noch nicht. Klingt interessant. Was es nicht alles gibt... ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment der, 9 maart 2005 om 18:06:43 CET
Oh nein. Jetzt wird auch hier mit dem Bloggen für immer aufgehört! ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment ... Next page
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DSGVO Hallo.
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